foobar2000: Components Repository - ALAC decoder Support the creation of foobar2000 mobile, a fantastic new player which targets iPhone, iPad, Android, ...
how to convert 'FLAC' to 'ALAC' for iPod Classic ? - Head-Fi but is there any simple way (like encoding mp3 using lame.exe) to encode alac using foobar2000 keeping the album art & the metadata same ...
Play Apple Lossless (.m4a, ALAC) files in Windows 7 Media Player? - Super User Is there a good plugin or codec that allows Media Player/Media Center on Windows 7 to play Apple Lossless (ALAC) encoded files? As the files are shared between multiple ...
foobar2000: Components Repository - ALAC decoder ALAC decoder. By: Peter. Component obsolete since foobar2000 v1.1.10. If you still have it installed, please remove. Links. Documentation. More components.
FLAC vs Apple LossLess - - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles The faster they are the harder it is to tell the difference between say an AIFF and Apple Lossless. ... › Forums › Misc.-Category Forums › Music › FLAC vs Apple LossLess Currently, there are 3490 Active Users (633 Members and 2857 Guests) › ..
Hydrogenaudio Forums - Portal Forums about audio coding, video coding and audio technology in general, with separate boards for AAC, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and so on. ... Posted By: thomasvs @ Jul 16 2014, 04:55 morituri is a CD ripper aiming for accuracy over speed. morituri runs on .
[音樂轉檔] FLAC 轉ALAC @ 老人最愛碎碎念:: 隨意窩Xuite日誌 使用foobar 外掛ffmpeg ,將FLAC 轉成Apple 的無損格式ALAC 1. 安裝foobar 2. 安裝ffmpeg 先到ffmpeg 的下載網頁: 裡面有 ...
Converting FLAC to ALAC using Foobar - Hydrogenaudio Forums I downloaded foo_input_alac.dll to the Foobar Components folder. In the Output format list of the Converter Setup window, neither ALAC nor ...
直接用Foobar转Apple Lossless的方法,不需经iTune... - 豆瓣 行動版 - 2012年10月10日 - 无损格式APE/FLAC/TAK等要转成苹果无损一般有两种方法,一是先转WAV再用iTunes转 ...
MP3 encoder vs. Apple Lossless Encoder - iLounge Forums I've been ripping CDs at 320kbps mp3, should I switch to Apple lossless encoder for better sound quality? ... Really though, this, like all these subject-oriented threads, can be boiled down to this: Lossless is only useful as an archive format.